have a very close working relationship with EASY RUNNER, and UPANDRUNNING. Both shops are highly respected by Bristol’s runners because they offer a truly independent unbiased opinion and will work with you to ensure you purchase the most appropriate product and not the most expensive shoes.
All manufacturers supply a wide variety of shoes offering varying degrees of foot stabilisation and control. This range of shoes are designed to control undesired foot movement but make profound changes to your gait and their suitability is dependent on your own specific needs. It is important to try on different manufacturers products to find the style and level of correction that suits your running style best.
Combined footwear fitting and dynamic gait assessment using video recording is available on request at many shops. A great variety of running and training footwear is available in a wide variety of stabilities.
What to look for in new sports shoes:
- A well shaped heel that feels snug and secure and does not lift out when on tiptoe
- Sides high enough to give support but not to restrict movement
- Firm sole but with well cushioned, shock absorbing composition
- Good ventilation to minimise fungal infections
- Nice and roomy across the joints or the ‘knuckle’ of your foot
- Your big toe should never contact the end of your shoe even when walking down a steep slope
- Laces should not be overtightened as this can restrict natural foot motion and blood supply
- Orthotic insoles take up some of the space in your shoes so you may need to increase by 1/2 a size to fit them in
- Shoes normally last at least 6 months depending on your activity, but if you run marathons every week, get some sponsorship as life could get quite expensive